This years event is in Room 2L4 on Thursday 31st of July starting at 11am. Please come along if any of the topics tweaks your interest.
Speaker and topics include (this may not be the order of presentations on the day):
1) Rose Bailey (UWE) - Carbon management at the city scale: An exploration of the carbon futures for the Bristol region.
2) Simon Baldwin (UWE) - Integrating local air quality and carbon management at a local and regional governance level.
3) Aoife Grant (Bristol University) - Calculation of the deposition velocity of hydrogen and their use in regional and global climate prediction models.
4) Dotun Olowoporoku (UWE) - Managing local air quality through Local Transport Planning - are we there yet?
5) John Taylor (University of Exeter) - To what extent can geothermal resources contribute to sustainable development at the community scale?
6) Ben Williams (Portsmouth University) - The development of an empirical dust dispersion model based on sample geochemistry.