Monday 21 June 2010

Emission Factor Toolkit (Version 4.2)

A revised version of the emission factor toolkit (EFT) has been issued and is available for download on Defra’s LAQM tools website ( The revised version (Version 4.2) allows the use of detailed local vehicle fleet composition data, i.e. it gives the ability to split the traffic into more than just HDV and LDV. It also corrects some minor errors in the way the previous version interpreted some of the national fleet data. Because of these errors, emissions calculated using version 4.2 may be slightly different from those calculated using version 4.1. Any discrepancies will very small, particularly in relation to other modelling uncertainties. Local Authorities are not required to redo any work already carried out using version 4.1 but are advised to use version 4.2 for future work. Version 4.2 will soon be accompanied by a user guide which will explain how to use the new functions.

New LAQM website

Defra and the Devolved Administrations have launched their new and improved Local Air Quality Management website today!

This replaces the following websites: , and

The following links will help re-direct you:

LAQM homepage

Guidance – Policy and technical guidance, practice guidance and lots of other useful guidance for LAQM.

Helpdesks – contacts details for email or phone support for LAQM

FAQs – useful information grouped by subject area

Review and Assessment – example reports, checklists and useful information.

Action Planning – example reports, checklists, useful information on measures and best practice

Tools – including background maps, NOx/NO2 calculator, Biomass calculator, Emissions Factor Toolkit, VCM, DMRB, national Bias Adjustment Factor spreadsheet and more.

AQMAs – maps of AQMAs and lists of which councils have declared

Report Submission Website – for Updating and Screening Assessments and Progress Reports

Jim goes to Air Pollution 2010 in Kos

Professor Jim Longhurst is attending the 18th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution in Kos, Greece this week as conference co-chair. Further details of the conference are available on the conference website Check the AQMRC latest news for an update on Jim's activities at the conference on his return.