On Wednesday 1st July, Tim organised a co-ordinated set of 4 presentations and a workshop around the Disruptio project (www.disruptionproject.net) at the PTRC 2015 Annual Transport Practitioners Meeting.
The presentations consisted of:
· David Williams on his PhD work on “Defining and delivering sustainable transport: who has the power to change the way we travel?”
· Jillian Anable and Tom Budd’s work from Aberdeen University(presented by Tim) on “Responses and adaptability to disrupted travel patterns – a questionnaire study”
· Noel Cass and James Faulconbridge’s work from Lancaster University on “Spatial, temporal and social factors in everyday mobility and modal choice – 3 years of ethnographic studies”
· Greg Marsden and Jeremy Shires from Leeds University on “Disruption as it happens - a selection of responsive case studies”.
Tim, Caroline Mullen and Greg also ran a workshop on “‘Flexi-mobility’ – Re-thinking Everyday Travel Patterns” (see www.fleximobility.solutions)
Dr Tim Chatterton
Senior Research Fellow
Air Quality Management Resource Centre
Faculty of Environment and Technology
University of the West of England
Frenchay Campus
BS16 1QY
Tel: 0117 328 2929
Fax: 0117 328 3360
Email: Tim.Chatterton@uwe.ac.uk