Friday, 12 December 2008
Scottish Government LAQM Training Day 13th February 2009
Scottish Government LAQM training day 13th February 2009 (click here for more details and registration form).
South West EP-UK & AQMRC 11th Annual Conference
Keep 26th February 2009 free in your diary! We're back to Bristol Zoo for the 11th Annual South West Environmental Protection UK and AQMRC Conference. The theme of the conference is Environmental Indicators, where next? The conference will address local authority environmental indicators (e.g. air quality, climate change, land, noise, etc). Detail agenda to follow shortly.
Friday, 5 December 2008
Sustainable Urban Transport Seminar
UWE and Bristol Environmental Technologies& Services ( Networking Seminar
The presentations from this very well attended seminar held on the 17th November are now available. Click on the links below to see the PowerPoint presentation of Jose Marquez, Graham Parkhurst and Steve Ward.
- Technologies for Sustainable Transport - Dr Jose Marquez Egis Mobilité
- Lessons and Reflections on Recent Developments in Sustainable Urban Transport – Professor Graham Parkhurst, UWE, Centre for Transport and Society (
- The UWE Travel Plan - Steve Ward
This seminar was hosted by the Faculty of Environment and Technology ( and Research, Business and Innovation (, University of the West of England, in collaboration with Egis Mobilité
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Congratulations to Mofoluso
Congratulations to
See Mo’s work on his research web site at
Congratulations to Dotun
Congratulations to
See Dotun’s work on his research web site at
Congratulations to Simon
Congratulations to
See Simon’s work on his research web site at
UKPHA Launch of Climate Connections
Latest Newsletter of the European Federation Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations (EFCA)
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Nurul at Better Air Quality Workshop 2008
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
AQMRC article published in Atmospheric Environment
Longhurst, J.W.S., Irwin, J.G, Chatterton, T.J., Hayes, E.T., Leksmono, N.S. and Symons, J.K., (2009). The development of effects-based air quality management regimes, Atmospheric Environment, 43, 64-78. [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.09.050]
Monday, 24 November 2008
AQMRC Air Quality and Climate Change Seminars
The next seminar on 15th December will be given by Dr Tim Chatterton, who will be speaking on 'South Africa's National Framework on air quality' and exploring UWE's role in an exemplar of integrated environmental governance.
Further details are available on this seminar schedule. If you are interested in attending this or any of the future seminars (or just fancy a free croissant and coffee!) please notify in advance.
Friday, 21 November 2008
Simon and Jim present at first annual GWR Research Symposium
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Nurul attends Better Air Quality Workshop 2008
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Sustainable Urban Transport Seminar
Date: Monday, 17 November, 2008
Time: 17:30 - 19:45
Venue: Street Café, Frenchay Campus, BS16 1QY
Cost: Free of charge
1730: Registration and light refreshments1800: Welcome - Professor James Longhurst, Co-Director, Institute for Sustainability, Health and Environment
1810: Technologies for Sustainable Transport - Dr Jose Marquez and Martin Volny, Egis Mobilité
1830: Lessons and Reflections on Recent Developments in Sustainable Urban Transport - Dr Graham Parkhurst, UWE
1850: The UWE Travel Plan - Steve Ward
1910: Thanks and Close - Professor James Longhurst, Co-Director, Institute for Sustainability, Health and Environment
1915: Networking
1945: Close
This event is hosted by the Faculty of Environment and Technology and Research, Business and Innovation, University of the West of England, in collaboration with Egis Mobilité.
You can register for the event here
Or for further information, please contact:Tel 0117 32 82808Email
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Defra LAQM TG08 consultation meeting
EP-UK: 'Local Action on Air Quality and Climate Change'
Interreg IV - PARM
Global visitor distribution map
Friday, 17 October 2008
Tim is invited participant in major Asian Governance workshop
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Air Quality & Carbon Management Project Steering Group
Monday, 13 October 2008
Jim in Science Cafes - October 27th at the Tobacco Factory
Science Cafes are informal and free meetings to explore the latest ideas in science and technology.
Click here to get directions to the Tobacco Factory.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Enda attends NACA Conference in South Africa
This email was independently scanned for viruses by McAfee anti-virus software and none were found
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Air Pollution 2008 - Jim's opening address
Sixteenth International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution
22-24th September 2008
Skiathos, Greece.
Read conference co-Chair Jim Longhurst's opening address to the Air Pollution 2008 conference here.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
AQMRC Responds to Consultations
Monday, 29 September 2008
Enda presents...IUAPPA - NACA conference South Africa

Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Research showcase posters
The Sustainable Energy and the Environment Research Showcase at Bath University on Wednesday 17th September was a resounding success with hundreds of delegates attending from academia and industry. The event provided a perfect opportunity for dissemination of the broad range of PhD and research projects currently being undertaken by the AQMRC.
Click on the following titles to link to the posters posted on the AQMRC website:
Integrated Management of Nitrogen Dioxide in Wales (Ross Hunter);
Innovative Learning Opportunities to Build Capacity and Capability in Air Quality and Carbon Management (Nurul Leksmono);
Progress, Barriers and Opportunities for the Co-management of Air Pollution and Carbon Emissions in South West England (Simon Baldwin);
Applying Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques to Air Quality and Carbon Management - a Case Study of Gas Flaring in the Niger Delta (Mofoluso Fagbeja);
Carbon Management at the City Scale: An Exploration of the Carbon Futures for the Bristol Region (Rose Bailey);
Managing Air Quality through the Local Planning Process: Challenges, Barriers and Opportunities (Dotun Olowoporoku).
Friday, 19 September 2008
Air Pollution 2008 Skiathos, Greece, 22-24 September
The following papers will be published in the conference book published in hard back by WIT Press:
J.W.S. Longhurst, J.G. Irwin, T.J. Chatterton, E.T. Hayes, N.S. Leksmono &J.K. Symons (2008, forthcoming). The Development and Operation of the United Kingdom’s Air Quality Management Regime. In Brebbia, C.A. & Longhurst, J.W.S. (Editors) Air Pollution XVI. WIT Press. Southampton and Boston.
M.A., Fagbeja, T. Chatterton, J.W.S. Longhurst, J.O. Akinyede & J.O. Adegoke (2008, forthcoming). Air pollution and management in the Niger Delta - emerging issues. In Brebbia, C.A. & Longhurst, J.W.S. (Editors) Air Pollution XVI. WIT Press. Southampton and Boston.
S.T. Baldwin, M. Everard, E.T. Hayes, J.W.S. Longhurst & J.R. Merefield (2008, forthcoming) Integrating local air quality and carbon management at a regional and local governance level: a case study of south west England. In Brebbia, C.A. & Longhurst, J.W.S. (Editors) Air Pollution XVI. WIT Press. Southampton and Boston.
A.O. Olowoporoku, E. T. Hayes, N.S. Leksmono, J.W.S. Longhurst, & G. P. Parkhurst (2008, forthcoming) Are environmental health officers and transport planners in English local authorities working together to achieve air quality objectives? In Brebbia, C.A. & Longhurst, J.W.S. (Editors) Air Pollution XVI. WIT Press. Southampton and Boston.
I. Gegisian, M. Grey, J.W.S. Longhurst & J.G. Irwin (2008, forthcoming) Potential contribution of local air quality management to environmental justice in England. In Brebbia, C.A. & Longhurst, J.W.S. (Editors) Air Pollution XVI. WIT Press. Southampton and Boston.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Sustainable Energy and the Environment Research Showcase
AQMRC research presented will cover:
Applying Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques to Air Quality and Carbon Management - a Case Study of Gas Flaring in the Niger Delta (Mofoluso Fagbeja);
Carbon Management at the City Scale: An Exploration of the Carbon Futures for the Bristol Region (Rose Bailey);
Managing Air Quality through the Local Planning Process: Challenges, Barriers and Opportunities (Dotun Olowoporoku).
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
RSC Environmental Chemistry Group
Jo has been acting as Hon. Sec. for this eminent Interest Group for the last three years and is pleased to continue the role with the support of the AQMRC.
Monday, 8 September 2008
AQB website review
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
New recruit at AQMRC
Jo Barnes has recently joined the Air Quality Management Resource Centre (AQMRC) at UWE as a Research Associate following a very enjoyable and rewarding four-year "apprenticeship" at the Air Quality Unit (AQU) at
Tim writes piece for Environmental Health News
Friday, 1 August 2008
AQMRC hosts successful Environmental Protection UK National Student Showcase
AQMRC hosted a very successful National Student Showcase for the charity Environmental Protection UK on 31st July. The day consisted of a number of presentations from students representing various
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Environmental Protection UK National Student Showcase
This years event is in Room 2L4 on Thursday 31st of July starting at 11am. Please come along if any of the topics tweaks your interest.
Speaker and topics include (this may not be the order of presentations on the day):
1) Rose Bailey (UWE) - Carbon management at the city scale: An exploration of the carbon futures for the Bristol region.
2) Simon Baldwin (UWE) - Integrating local air quality and carbon management at a local and regional governance level.
3) Aoife Grant (Bristol University) - Calculation of the deposition velocity of hydrogen and their use in regional and global climate prediction models.
4) Dotun Olowoporoku (UWE) - Managing local air quality through Local Transport Planning - are we there yet?
5) John Taylor (University of Exeter) - To what extent can geothermal resources contribute to sustainable development at the community scale?
6) Ben Williams (Portsmouth University) - The development of an empirical dust dispersion model based on sample geochemistry.
Friday, 18 July 2008
UWE now ranked third in UK for sustainability
Management and Policy
- Publicly available environmental policy
- Full-time environment staff
- Comprehensive environmental auditing
- Fairtrade University accreditation
- Ethical investment policy
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Air Pollution and Meteorological Data @ UWE
Friday, 4 July 2008
Dotun to present at TPM 2008
Consultation - draft LAQM Policy & Technical Guidance
The New Policy Guidance and Technical Guidance on local air quality management are out for consultation. All UK local authorities are invited to comment by 26 September 2008.
Please follow this link for more information and to download the guidance documents:
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Simon delivered presentation at Environment Agency Air Quality Conference - 24 June 2008
"Chatterton" in AQB Double Page Spread
AQMRC, UWE in Top 20 Consultancies
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Launch of the Institute for Sustainability, Health and Environment
The new Institute will work with over 100 organisations and agencies in its Sustainability, Health and Environment work and will be able to draw upon expertise from 32 Research Centres and over 600 programmes of study offered by UWE. The new Institute's expertise will cover public and environmental health; spatial and transport planning; leisure, tourism and society; sustainable and healthy communities; governance and democracy; air quality management; low carbon technology and management; environmental science; environmental justice; plant science; biomedicine, clinical and health services. ISHE will be Co-directed by Professor Jim Longhurst (Associate Dean in the Faculty of Environment and Technology, and Director of the Air Quality Management Resource Centre) and Judy Orme (Reader and Director of the Centre for Public Health Research in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences).
Professor Jim Longhurst explains, “We have noticed an increasing synergy in projects that blend health and the environment. The new Institute will enable us to strengthen our international reputation in these key research areas. These areas are critically important to society as we all strive towards a lower carbon lifestyle in the future.
Focusing on health and wellbeing in later life, a conference entitled 'Sustainable Futures in an Ageing World' will be held at UWE in September. For more details of the Institute visit
Friday, 13 June 2008
Rose and Mofoluso attend 44th IAPSC Conference
Rose attends Bristol: Fit for the Future? Panel Discussion and the debate can also be viewed online as a webcast here:
Rose Facilitates Table Discussion at Bristol Hothouse
Rose attends UKCIP08 workshop
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Tim Presents at 44th IAPSC Conference
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Air Pollution 2009 - Call for papers
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK are calling for papers for presentation at the Seventeenth International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution. The conference will be held in Tallinn, Estonia on 20-22 July 2009.
Topics for presentation are:
- Air pollution modelling
- Energy and air quality
- Air quality management
- Urban air management
- Effects of air pollution on ecosystems
- Emission studies
- Historical air pollution and forensic studies
- Monitoring and measuring
- Global and regional studies
- Aerosols and particles
- Climate change and air pollution
- Indoor air pollution
- Environmental health effects
- Policy studies
- Techniques for atmospheric pollutant reduction
- Pollution prevention
- Pollution in developing countries
Click here to view the conference website, which has full details about the conference objectives, topics and submission requirements etc.
Friday, 6 June 2008
EU Policy news alert
Simon to be ambassador for UWE at the Bristol Festival of Nature
AQMRC bids farewell to Jo
AQMRC submits 5 papers for Air Pollution 2008 conference
The paper details are as follows:
"The Development and Operation of the United Kingdom’s Air Quality Management Regime"
J.W.S. Longhurst, J.G. Irwin, T.J. Chatterton, E.T. Hayes, N.S. Leksmono and J.K. Symons
"Exploring the impact of shipping on coastal air quality: Is there a local air quality problem?"
J.K. Symons, S.T. Baldwin, T.J. Chatterton, E.T. Hayes, N.S. Leksmono, J.W.S. Longhurst
"Air pollution and management in the Niger Delta - emerging isues"
M.A., Fagbeja, T. Chatterton, J.W.S. Longhurst, J.O. Akinyede, and J.O. Adegoke
"Integrating local air quality and carbon management at a regional and local governance level: a case study of south west England"
S.T. Baldwin, M. Everard, E.T. Hayes, J.W.S. Longhurst, J.R.Merefield
"Are environmental health officers and transport planners in English local authorities working together to achieve air quality objectives?"
A.O. Olowoporoku, E. T. Hayes, N.S. Leksmono, J.W.S. Longhurst, G. P. Parkhurst
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Invitation to: Not a Bore! Issues of tidal energy capture in the Severn Estuary
Organised by the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce), the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BA), the Severn Estuary Partnership and the Centre for Research in Environmental Sciences, UWE, this Science Café event provides a timely opportunity to explore the issues such a development would raise. What are the key issues and what are the impacts of developing tidal power in the Severn Estuary? What are your views on the options or the idea of harnessing energy from the estuary? Is this an appropriate way to reduce carbon emissions? What about the ecological impacts? Is this appropriate regional development?
The event will comprise of four short scene setting presentations exploring the engineering, legal and planning issues and the environmental implications of harnessing tidal power from the estuary. A general discussion will follow.
Come along to this event and share your views and ideas. The outcomes from this event will help shape the agenda of a larger Public Forum being planned for October of this year.
Invitation to:
Not a Bore! Issues of Tidal Energy Capture in the Severn Estuary
Room 2E27UWE,
Frenchay Campus
6 – 7.30 pm Monday June 30th
(Campus map at
To Book a Place
This event is FREE of charge but please register by emailing
Light refreshments will be provided by the organisers and a cash bar will be available.
Further information about the feasibility study can be found at
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
AQMRC in the UWE news
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Mofoluso to present paper at Postgraduate Researchers' Conference
Mofoluso is also attending the 1st Postgraduate Researchers' Conference on Meeting Environmental Challenges in the Coastal region of Nigeria coming up 29-30 September, 2008 in Dundee, UK. The abstract from his paper titled, 'Applying remote sensing and GIS techniques to air quality and carbon management - a case study of gas flaring in the Niger Delta' has been accepted for presentation at the conference.
Friday, 30 May 2008
Mobility and Climate Change
More information on the work of Eurocities ( "THE network of Major European Cities" ) can be found here
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Jim busy with external examinations
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Bristol Environmental Technologies & Services Sector Expo
Simon runs seminar at the University of Exeter
Friday, 23 May 2008
The Nigerian State, Oil Industry and the Niger Delta

Thursday, 22 May 2008
AQMRC researchers submit invited paper for special issue of Atmospheric Environment
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Air Pollution 2008
Monday, 19 May 2008
Tim invited to join the International Advisory Committee for the IUAPPA Regional Conference 2008
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Jim speaking at BA Science Communication Conference
an be aware of and draw on the latest research. The abstract from Jim's presentation is available here.
Jim is participating in the Conference following the AQMRC "Consultation as Science Communication?" project, to communicate this research with attending practitioners.
Saturday, 10 May 2008
AQMRC welcomes Rose Bailey- new EPSRC CASE PhD student
Thursday, 1 May 2008
Enda speaks at UWE seminar series
Sunday, 20 April 2008
PhD researcher Dotun Olowoporoku visits Cornwall Air Quality Forum
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Tim on expert panel at Great Environment Briefing
The expert panel included Tim Chatterton from AQMRC along with Dist. Professor Roland Clift of Surrey University, Professor Peter Matthews (talking on Water Quality), Professor John Twiddell (on Energy) and Jeff Cooper (on Waste). The event was chaired by Professor Sir Brian Hoskins, CBE., FRS
Following 15 minute presentations from the panel members, the briefing then held a wide ranging question and answer session (with question from the floor and via the internet from the webcast). Issues covered included diversion of agricultural resources to meat and biofuel production, encouragement of renewable energy, how to change people’s behaviour, purchasing art versus other carbon offsetting schemes, localisation of economic and cultural activities, problems with Fractional Reserve Banking systems, how deaths from air pollution are calculated and population control strategies. So a wide range of issues was covered – of interest both to engineers and non-engineers.