Thursday, 17 December 2009
Rose speaks to year 12 geographers at North Bristol Post-16 Centre
Monday, 14 December 2009
Air Quality and Carbon Management CPD available from UWE
The University of the West of England’s Air Quality Management Resource Centre (AQMRC) have developed a range of training and development opportunities to build skills and understanding in the fields of air quality and carbon management. Whether you are a recent graduate or needing to update your skills in an existing role, this training will give you the opportunity to focus your development in a way that is specific to your needs and requirements.
Supported by the Institute of Air Quality Management and the Institution of Environmental Science, these training opportunities are available from 2010 for CPD. A flexible package of CPD is available for delivery at your location or at UWE. For more information about the training opportunities and to discuss your specific needs, please contact Jo Barnes ( and visit the training pages of the AQMRC website (
Friday, 11 December 2009
Rose has abstract accepted for the Second International Conference on Climate Change
Rose has had an abstract accepted for presentation at the Second International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, to be held at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia from 8-10 July 2010. More information can be found on the conference website:
Roses's abstract is entitled "Envisioning the Future: a Methodology for City-Scale Carbon Management".
Using the example of Bristol in south west England, the paper will discuss a methodology for how cities could respond to the challenge of climate change and capitalise on their unique mitigation opportunities. By engaging local stakeholders through an innovative Delphi-like process, a number of low-carbon scenarios for the future city-region are imagined. Using backcasting techniques, together with conventional forecasting, a robust pathway from the present to a future desirable low-emission city can be described. This will bring benefits to planning and policy making, by providing a low emission-pathway beyond the short-term, and creates buy-in from key stakeholders through the Delphi-process, who have helped to define the city’s future.
Read more about Rose's research on her webpage.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Tim becomes Chair of IAPSC
Dotun presents research in Brussels
Friday, 20 November 2009
Tim Keynote Speaker at IUAPPA Regional Workshop
Tim has been invited to give a keynote presentation on “Managing Transport Impacts in Asian Mega-Cities” at the IUAPPA North African Regional Workshop in Tunis (23rd-25th November).
Mofoluso to present a paper at IAA conference in Nigeria
Mofoluso will be presenting a paper entitled, "The need for improved sensing technology for estimating emissions and concentrations of pollution at ground-level in the lower latitudes".
Check out Mofoluso's research page to see the presentation on his return.
We all wish Mofoluso a safe journey and all the best in his presentation.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Tim on Environment Panel at Music South West
Last Friday Tim represented the Institute for Sustainability, Health and Environment in a panel discussion at the Music South West conference in Bristol.
The discussion was chaired by Matt Booth of the Bristol Music Foundation. Other members included Alison Tickell of Julie’s Bicycle, and Ben Chalis and Clare O’Neil of A Greener Festival
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Tim appears on the BBC
On Monday 2nd November, the BBC screened its regional Inside Out programme containing a feature on air pollution. Focussing in particular on Bedford, the programme contained interviews with Tim from AQMRC, along with Ed Dearnley of EPUK and Barry Williams from Bedford Borough Council.
Friday, 9 October 2009
15th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress - Call for abstracts
Date: September 12-16, 2010
Place: Vancouver, British Columbia
Conference Theme: Achieving Environmental Sustainability in a Resource Hungry World
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 12, 2010
Further details available here or visit their website
AQMRC/EPUK-SW Annual Conference - Presentations now available online
The conference provided a positive message for the future of air quality management through integration with other disciplines, such as transport (John Murlis), climate change (Guy Hitchcock), land use planning (Claire Holman) and noise (Steve Crawshaw and Tim Clarke), and Mark Broom presented Neath Port Talbot as a case study of collaborative agency working with regard to the industrial steelworks. There was also a policy update from Robert Vaughan reporting on Defra's approach to the NO2 time extension and a reminder from Ben Barratt to ensure that policy measures are accountable to the science. Ben Williams, the 2008 winner of the EPUK student conference presented his research measuring nuisance dust from a waste transfer station and Phil Mulligan's summary of the EP-UK Biomass and Air Quality event from the previous week highlighted one of the new and increasing considerations for air quality management.
In all, the feedback from the day was equally as positive and the presentations were extremely well-rated.
If you have any suggestions for future conference topics, do let us know at
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Tim is Keynote Speaker on Health and Planning
Friday, 2 October 2009
Port Talbot Study Presented at Openair Workshop
Thursday, 1 October 2009
AQMRC - EPUK SW Annual conference success
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Emissions of air pollutants down in EU-27
Read more ... <>
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Air quality vacancy at Bristol CC
Monday, 24 August 2009
Jimi chairs Defra review of monitoring for acidifying and eutrophying pollutants
The Review Panel reviewed current monitoring with regard to species measured, locations, frequency of measurement, methodology and quality assurance. They also considered the status of the UK supersites at Harwell and Auchencorth Moss within the European Evaluation and Monitoring programme. In reaching their conclusions the Panel drew on material provided by the network operators, past reports and also the findings of a user survey. Relevant material is available on the NERC open research archive.
Friday, 24 July 2009
AQMRC - EPUK SW Annual Conference back on!
The presentations selected will highlight the benefits of integrating air quality with other disciplines, e.g. transport, carbon management, health and land use planning. Defra's Robert Vaughan will set the scene with his keynote address and will be joined by speakers from Bristol City Council, King's College, London, University of London, Peter Brett Associates, Exeter University and Portsmouth University, including Ben Williams, winner of the 2008 Environmental Protection Student Day event. There will also be a conference exhibition for suppliers, consultants and academics to display their wares and research.
The venue remains the same, Bristol Zoo, and the conference fees will include delegate packs (including CPD certificate), buffet lunch and refreshments. For details and a link to the conference flier and registration form, please visit the AQMRC website or ring 0117 32 81626 for further information.
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Jim and Simon go to Westminster
Monday, 29 June 2009
Jo presents at EPUK East Midlands Division AGM, Buxton

Jo Barnes gave a presentation on the 2009 LAQM Technical Guidance to the EPUK East Midlands Division AGM at the Tarmac Lime and Cement plant at Tunstead Quarry, in Buxton, Derbyshire last Thursday, 25th June. Malcolm Brown and Rhonda Newsham (British Geological Survey) also gave a very interesting talk on the use of GIS in assessing assessment of contaminated land exposure and Peter Grosvenor and Frank Emerson (Tarmac) spoke about the operations at the quarry and gave us a fascinating tour of the works. The presentations and tour were well-received by the audience of Environmental Protection Officers and Councillors from the region. [Photographed L-R Jo Barnes (UWE), Peter Grosvenor and Frank Emerson (Tarmac), Malcolm Brown and Rhonda Newsham (British Geological Survey.]
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
And the winner is...
Rose was awarded a cash prize for her presentation at the Faculty of Environment and Technology Postgraduate Research Conference last Monday (15th June). Her talk on "Managing carbon emissions at the city scale: opportunities and challenges" outshone all of the other presentations from Bristol Institute of Technology (BIT) and Built and Natural Environment (BNE) postgrad students. Visit Rose's research webpage to read all about her research.
Well done, Rose!
Thursday, 18 June 2009
The John Rose Award and Non-Exhaust Emissions - calling all postgrads - applications welcome
The winner of the John Rose Award 2008 from the Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) was Samantha Lawrence, for her PhD research on non-exhaust particles. Samantha Lawrence has used the £1000 grant to publicise her work on non-exhaust emissions and to launch a campaign to encourage the Government to create appropriate legislation to control non-exhaust emissions. As part of this campaign, a Government e-petition has been created. You can add your name to the petition at
In collaboration with the IES, Samantha has also created an exciting new website with information on her research, interactive features and learning resources. Please visit
The IES hosts the John Rose Award every year to reward outstanding pieces of environmental post-graduate research, which have the potential to motivate people and facilitate environmental improvement. The £1000 grant is used to publicise the results of the work to the general public.
We are pleased to announce that applications for the 2009 John Rose Award are now welcome. The applicant must have completed, or be in the writing-up stages of a postgraduate piece of work that can contribute to positive environmental change. Upon winning the Award, applicants will receive £1000 to promote their research to the public, along with the chance to speak at the prestigous Burntwood Lecture to an audience of scientists and environmental professionals. The Award will be officially presented by Paul Leinster, Chief Executive of the Environment Agency at the 2009 Burntwood Lecture on 11th November at the Royal Society in London.
Please visit for more information and to apply. The closing date for applications is 2nd October 2009.
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Mofoluso's presentation at the AQMRC Seminar Series
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Rose to present at International Conference on Human Ecology
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
UWE and Cranfield NERC funded research on impacts of commercial composting
Institute for Sustainability, Health and the Environment Inaugural Conference
Read the associated press release here.
The presentations from the conference will be available on the ISHE web site ( soon.
AQMRC Work Featured in Research and Knowledge Exchange Conference
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Biomass and Air Quality Guidance Consultation Now Online
The consultation period will run until Friday 8th May, responses should be sent to Ed Dearnley via post or email.
Environmental Protection UK
44 Grand Parade
Email -
Monday, 6 April 2009
AQMRC at Environmental Protection UK Spring Workshop
The AQMRC team attended the Environmental Protection UK Spring Workshop in beautiful Northamptonshire last week and contributed a couple of presentations and a workshop to the proceedings. Dotun struck a chord amongst the delegates with his presentation on 'Air Quality and the Local Transport Planning Process', while Jo addressed the 'Capacity development and capability enhancement opportunities for air quality and carbon management professionals', introducing the Masters level CPD training course that is currently being developed by the AQMRC, and Tim gave an animated introduction to the LAQM process in his 'LAQM for beginners' workshop (pictured). The presentations are available from the Environmental Protection UK website
Monday, 30 March 2009
Tim elected to UKPHA Council
to UKPHA Council as a trustee. On the council Tim will represent the
views of the Chairs of the UKPHA's Special Interest Groups.
AQMRC and ISHE well represented at the UKPHA annual forum
were well represented at the UKPHA public health forum in Brighton this
week. Over half a dozen people represented The University of the West
of England presenting a wide range of work, chairing sessions and
organising workshops.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
RSC Interview with Jo
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Simon's case study interviews near completion.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Jo, Tim and Dotun to speak at Environmental Protection UK Spring Workshop
Jo will be speaking on "Training for Air Quality Professionals". She will be discussing the HERDA-SW project, which she is currently managing, in which AQMRC are currently developing a series of air quality and carbon management modules for air quality professionals in the South West Region (For more on the HERDA-SW project click here).
Tim will be sharing his vast knowledge on the LAQM process and a review of helpful information and where to get it in a friendly workshop setting to delegates who are new to the process.
Dotun will be speaking on "Air Quality and Local Transport Plan". He will be summarising the key findings from his 3-year research on the subject, and provide recommendations on how to keep air quality at the top of the agenda in the proposed LTP3 and improving engagement between the environmental health officers and transport planners. Find out more about Dotun’s research here.
Dotun concludes case study interviews
Dotun just concluded the case study interviews on the integration of air quality into the Local Transport Plan process at various local authorities in England. This involves visits to West Yorkshire, Greater Manchester, Greater Nottingham, Bedford, Devon, Leicestershire and Hampshire. He appreciates the support and encouragement he received from all the participants.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Rose attends Carbon Connections conference
Carbon Connections, based at the University of East Anglia, is an investment body, set up by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) to seek out, encourage and invest in carbon-saving innovation either through technological advance or behavioural change.
Rose presents at RGS-IBG postgraduate forum mid-term conference
Rose has nominated herself as next year's conference organiser, with the help of other research students in the faculty, and is hoping UWE will win the vote! Watch this space for news...
Monday, 2 March 2009
Welcome back, Nicky
Nicky was the first appointment to AQMRC back in 1997 and as well as coordinating the work of the Centre studied part time for a PhD which was awarded in 2004. Her thesis was entitled Conflict and consensus in spatial and temporal designations of Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) to secure air quality objectives in Great Britain and her research led to a large number of papers and conference presentations. The staff in AQMRC look forward to working with Nicky on a range of LAQM projects.
Farewell and Good Luck, Nurul
Nurul first joined AQMRC in 2001 to study for a PhD funded by the Environment Agency. Her PhD 'Sustainable, proportionate and cost-effective action plans to deliver air quality objectives within AQMAs' explored the relationship between the LAQM and the IPPC regimes and focused on the application of the above principles within the development of air quality action plans. Her PhD was supervised by Jimi Irwin, Katy Ling and Jim Longhurst.
Following the award of her PhD Nurul worked on a range of AQMRC projects including the ESRC 'Science in Society' project 'Consultation as Science Communication' (see, the ESRC Impact project 'Mediating Consultation: Private Sector Consultancies Engagement in Local Air Quality Management Consultation' (see as well as providing technical and policy support for AQMRC activities including the Defra Review and Assessment contract and a wide range of LAQM projects.
Everyone in AQMRC will miss Nurul greatly, and wish her all the best.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
LAQM Guidance and tools now available
LAQM Policy Guidance (England only):
LAQM Technical Guidance (all of the UK):
LAQM Technical Guidance Support Tools:
These documents and links for the LAQM Practice Guidance (England only) are also available on the LAQM Guidance pages of the Defra website:
Report Submission Website: Further information and login details, etc, will be sent out next week.
The Review and Assessment website FAQs will be updated tomorrow.
Bookmark these links and happy reading!
Rose and Mofoluso's abstracts accepted for RGS-IBG Conference
Friday, 13 February 2009
Celebrating 10,000 subscribers - Science for Environment Policy goes from strength to strength
Now with 10,000 subscribers, Science for Environment Policy plays a key role in disseminating cutting edge, policy-relevant research findings in the environmental sciences. The news alert service is edited by the Science Communication Unit at the University of the West of England on behalf of the European Commission. It was first launched in January 2006 and quickly attracted a considerable number of subscriptions from old Member States of the EU. Recently, these figures have been buoyed by a notable and important increase in subscribers from new EU Member States.
Doubravka Nedvedova of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, the service’s 10,000th subscriber, said: “Being from the Czech Republic, I was delighted to find a service that directly addresses a number of the environmental problems we face both nationally and across the EU. It is very helpful to have such clearly written and relevant information delivered directly to my inbox.”
Brought to you FREE by DG Environment of the European Commission, this information service brings policy-relevant research findings in the following areas direct to the subscriber’s email inbox:
Air pollution
Climate Change & Energy
Environment and Health
Environmental Information Services
Environment Technologies
Land use Marine Ecosystem
Natural Hazards
Risk Assessment
Sustainable Consumption and Production
Sustainable Development and Policy Assessment
Sustainable Mobility
Urban Environment
Waste Water
The service is weekly and covers recently published studies. The articles are written in easy-to-read, non-scientific English specifically to allow non-scientists and non-native speakers of English easy access to the latest scientific research.
To subscribe to the service, send an email to with the message line: 'subscribe-SfEP' or visit the news alert website at:
For more information please contact:
Emma Weitkamp, Managing Editor
Tel +44 (0) 117 32 82081
Or Michelle Kilfoyle, Production Editor
Tel +44 (0) 117 32 83913
Air Quality Management Resource Centre are very pleased to be working with SCU on this project.
Rose lectures at University of Iceland

Wednesday, 11 February 2009
New LAQM training session in the south east
The new event will be held at the Hawth in Crawley on Tuesday 3rd March. Please click here to access further information and the registration form.
South West EP-UK & AQMRC 11th Annual Conference: Local Authority National Environmental Indicators – Where next?
Please click here for a copy of the flier and details of how to register.
Monday, 9 February 2009
Public Health publication
The journal Public Health has just published a paper jointly written by Tim Chatterton at AQMRC, with colleagues at UWE in the Centre for Transport and Society, and the British Market Research Board. The paper provides a summary and discussion of key issues arising in research carried out by them for the Department of Transport.
Understanding how transport choices are affected by the environment and health: Views expressed in a study on the use of carbon calculators
T.J. Chatterton, A. Coulter, C. Musselwhite, G. Lyons and S. Clegg
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Tim Exchanges Knowledge at IEMA
Monday, 2 February 2009
Rose to lecture at University of Iceland, Reykjavik
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Rose presents at Regional Studies Association South West Branch Conference
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Consultation on UK application for an extension to meet EU air quality limits
Defra is seeking views on the
PM10 is made up of very small particles of soot and dust in the air, less than 10 micrometers in diameter (human hair ranges from 17-180 micrometers in diameter). The sources of these particles include transport, industrial plants, construction, and extremely small particles carried on the wind from neighbouring countries. There is also a small amount from natural sources, such as dust blown from
Most other Member States have also reported some breaches of the EU PM10 limits since they came into force in 2005: 24 out of 27 reported breaches of the limit in 2007. They will also need to apply to the European Commission for additional time.
Levels of PM10 have been falling across the
The extension would enable current and planned measures to take effect to reduce PM10 levels to within the EU limits by the extended deadline of 2011.
Consultation documents are available to download from the Defra website The deadline for responses is 10th March 2009.
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Rose to present at South West Branch of the Regional Studies Association conference
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
LAQM Training Days 2009 - booking form available
10/3/09 Bristol (hosted by Bristol City Council)
19/3/09 Reading (hosted by the Environment Agency)
23/3/09 York (hosted by York City Council)
Further dates may be announced depending on demand. Click here to receive email notification of training sessions and other upcoming AQMRC activities and here to subscribe to the AQMRC Latest News for RSS feed updates.
The Welsh Assembly Government (10/2/2009) and the Scottish Government (13/2/2009) are also hosting LAQM training sessions in Cardiff and Edinburgh respectively. Please contact us for further information on these training sessions.
Leadership Foundation
On Thursday 23rd January Jim Longhurst will be speaking at the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education’s ( training seminar being held at
Back in November Jim Longhurst gave an invited talk on the subject of ‘Major environmental challenges and responses’ at the Great Western Research Conference ‘Future Imperfect’. The film of Jim’s talk can now be viewed as a streamed webcast on the GWR web site at
RAE 2008
Enda Hayes, Tim Chatterton and Jim Longhurst were submitted as part of the University’s submission to sub panel 32 Geography and Environmental Studies. 70% of this submission was judged as being of internationally recognised quality or internationally excellent. See the RAE web page at and
Promotion to Senior Research Fellow
Congratulations to Dr Enda Hayes on his well deserved promotion to Senior Research Fellow in AQMRC. Read Enda’s web page at
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
LAQM Training Days 2009 - booking form available
10/3/09 Bristol (hosted by Bristol City Council)
19/3/09 Reading (hosted by the Environment Agency)
23/3/09 York (hosted by York City Council)
Further dates may be announced depending on demand. Click here to receive email notification of training sessions and other upcoming AQMRC activities and here to subscribe to the AQMRC Latest News for RSS feed updates.
The Welsh Assembly Government (10/2/2009) and the Scottish Government (13/2/2009) are also hosting LAQM training sessions in Cardiff and Edinburgh respectively. Please contact us for further information on these training sessions.
South West EP-UK & AQMRC 11th Annual Conference - date change
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