The 11th Annual Conference organised by Air Quality Management Resource Centre, UWE and Environmental Protection SW Division is back on after being postponed from its usual slot in March. The conference will now be held on Wednesday 30th September. The title of the event is 'Air Quality Management - The 11th Hour' focusing on the fact that the Air Quality Objective dates have now largely been reached and EU Limit Values are on the horizon.
The presentations selected will highlight the benefits of integrating air quality with other disciplines, e.g. transport, carbon management, health and land use planning. Defra's Robert Vaughan will set the scene with his keynote address and will be joined by speakers from Bristol City Council, King's College, London, University of London, Peter Brett Associates, Exeter University and Portsmouth University, including Ben Williams, winner of the 2008 Environmental Protection Student Day event. There will also be a conference exhibition for suppliers, consultants and academics to display their wares and research.
The venue remains the same, Bristol Zoo, and the conference fees will include delegate packs (including CPD certificate), buffet lunch and refreshments. For details and a link to the conference flier and registration form, please visit the AQMRC website or ring 0117 32 81626 for further information.