For more information on Great Western Research visit
Thursday, 22 December 2011
AQMRC project shortlisted for Great Western Research (GWR) Impact Award
For more information on Great Western Research visit
Academy of Science of South Africa workshop “Pathways towards a low carbon city” papers published
- International initiatives on low carbon cities - Prof Jim Longhurst, University of the West of England
- Cities GHG emissions, inventorying and comparisons - Dr Shobhakar Dhakal, Global Carbon Project
- Sustainable urban infrastructure to achieve a low carbon city – Prof Anu Ramaswami, University of Colorado Denver
- Climate change initiatives in the city of Durban – Dr Sean O’Donoghue, eThekwini Municipality
- Towards a Low Carbon City: focus on Durban – Prof Roseanne Diab, ASSAf
- Opportunities for greening the buildings and industries – Dr Francis Yamba, University of Zambia
Low carbon planning in cities – Prof Dave Dewar, University of Cape Town
Friday, 16 December 2011
DECC Fellowship bears Publication Fruits!
This month has seen the publication of two outputs from Tim’s 12-month ESRC/RCUK Energy Programme funded Fellowship based in the Department of Energy and Climate Change last year.
Firstly, the DECC has published Tim’s report “An Introduction to Thinking about Energy Behaviours: A Multi-Model Approach” on the department website.
Secondly, Tim has co-authored a Commentary paper with Charlie Wilson at the University of East Anglia that contributes to a high-profile discussion in Environment and Planning A about government policy and the ‘behaviour change’ agenda: Multiple models to inform climate change policy: a pragmatic response to the `beyond the ABC' debate
Monday, 12 December 2011
MSc Air Quality and Carbon Management given the green light
Monday, 5 December 2011
Mofoluso presenting at the AGU 2011 Fall Meeting
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Cop 17 ASSAf workshop
The agenda is now available at
Monday, 21 November 2011
Dotun is the recipient of the 2011 Ian McCrae Travel Award
Dotun recently won the Ian McCrae Travel Award from The Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM). This award acts as a memorial to Ian McCrae who was an internationally-respected air quality scientist and IAQM committee member. Dotun was formally presented with the award at the annual general meeting of the institute on 17 November 2011 in London. The award will enable Dotun to present his current research at the Urban Environmental Pollution 2012. The conference, organised by Elsevier, will be held in June 2012 at Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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Dotun recieving the award from Prof Bernard Fisher, Chairman of IAQM
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Monday, 14 November 2011
Environmental Auit Committee say "Its a Scandal!"
The Environmental Audit Committee today launched its follow-up report on air quality, finding that “The Government is putting thousands of lives at risk by trying to water down EU air quality rules instead of prioritising action to cut pollution on UK roads”.
Full details of the report can be found here:
AQMRC submitted evidence to the Enquiry which has been published online here:
Tim to Present at Photocatalysis Conference
On Thursday 17th November Tim will be making a presentation on “The Science of Air Pollution and the Policies and Legislation to Combat It” at a Cristal Global conference on Photocatalysis in London.
N.B. Involvement in the conference does not suggest that AQMRC currently believe that photocatalytic paint is an appropriate solution for most air quality problems!
Tim to give Energy Seminar at University of Southampton
On Wednesday 16th November Tim will be presenting an energy seminar based on his Fellowship with DECC and subsequent developments. The seminar will be hosted by the Centre for Citizenship, Globalization and Governance
Carbon Aware Cities: CATCH Final Conference, 13 December 2011, Bristol, UK
The final conference will present research from the project, and present the CATCH knowledge platform in the context of a variety of co-benefits that a low carbon transport will bring to health, safety, the economy and to planning. It will be demonstrated how the CATCH knowledge platform links to these different areas by providing information and improving communication between the general public and transport professionals. Presentations from experts from different fields will also detail the wider benefits of a low carbon transport future.
Who will attend?
- Transport professionals interested in low carbon transport systems: city representatives, public transport operators, consultants, and others.
- Climate change experts with an interest in transport.
- Professionals from other disciplines which can benefit from low carbon transport systems: for example from health or civil society.
It is free to attend the conference, but places are limited and registration is required.
To cover our costs, if you register and do not attend and do not inform us by 9th December 2011, then you will be charged 100 EURO (see terms and conditions).
Conference web page, including registration:
Draft programme:
For more information, contact Anna Clark (
Monday, 24 October 2011
British Science Association Bristol and Bath- "Watching the Earth from Space" Wednesday 2 November
Urban Transport 2012: Call for Papers from the Wessex Institute
View full details about the conference objectives, topics and submission requirements online at:
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Forthcoming publication in the Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
The paper discusses the results from the first round of Delphi questionnaire survey that Rose undertook with a large expert group, to create scenarios for a low carbon 2050 Bristol region.
More information about Rose's research can be found on her webpage here.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Air Pollution 2011 conference
The conference was co-chaired by Professor Jim Longhurst who gave an invited keynote presentation introducing new research the AQMRC are undertaking working 'towards a new framework for air quality management in Nigeria'. Jo Barnes also gave a presentation, which critically described the UK policy on air quality management since the introduction of first national Air Quality Strategy 14 years ago and 'assessed the potential for local action to meet EU limit values' based on previous experience and in the context of evolving related policies.
A call for papers has been announced for the 2012 Air Pollution conference which will be run back-to-back with Urban Transport 2012 in A Coruna, Spain next May. Further details are available on the Wessex Institute website.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Tim attends IUAPPA Regional Conference
Tim will be presenting AQMRC at the IUAPPA regional conference in Paris on 29th and 30th September.
The event is hosted by APPA – the French Air Pollution and Environmental Protection Organisation.
Monday, 26 September 2011
Disruption begins!!!
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Jim and Jo attending Air Pollution 2011
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Tim Gives CTS Seminar as New Associate Member
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Latest AQMRC publications
Bailey, R., Longhurst, J.W.S., Hayes, E.T., Hudson, L., Ragnarsdottir, K..V. & Thumim, J. (2011) Envisioning the Future: a methodology for city scale carbon management The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses. 2 (4) 51-66
Olowoporoku, A. O., Hayes, E. T., Longhurst, J. W. S. & Parkhurst, G. (2011) Improving road transport-related air quality in England through joint working between Environmental Health Officers and Transport Planners. Local Environment 16 (3) 603-618
Liu, J. , Pankhurst, L.J., Deacon, L.J. , Abate, W. , Hayes, E.T. , Drew, G.H. , Longhurst, P.J. , Pollard, S., Longhurst, J. , Tyrrel, S.F. , Jackson, S.K. (2011) Evaluation of inflammatory effects of airborne endotoxin emitted from composting sources. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30, 3, 602-606
In Press
Longhurst, J.W.S., Olowoporoku, A. O., Barnes, J., Chatterton, T.J., Hayes, E.T. and Irwin, J.G. Exploring issues of process efficiency and outcome effectiveness in the United Kingdom’s Local Air Quality Management Regime. (In Press, 2011) The International Journal of Sustainable Development & Planning
Weitkamp, E.L.C & Longhurst, J.W.S., (In press, 2011) Mediating Consultation: insights from private sector consultancies involved in air quality consultations Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
A. O. Olowoporoku, J.W.S. Longhurst, J. Barnes & C. Edokpayi. (In press, 2011). Towards a new framework for air quality management in Nigeria. In Brebbia, C., Longhurst, J.W.S. & Popov, V. (Editors) Air Pollution XIX WIT Press. Southampton and Boston.
J. H. Barnes, T. J. Chatterton, E. T. Hayes, J. W. S. Longhurst, A. O. Olowoporoku. (In press, 2011). Assessing the potential for local action to achieve EU limit values. In Brebbia, C., Longhurst, J.W.S. & Popov, V. (Editors) Air Pollution XIX WIT Press. Southampton and Boston.
Brebbia, C., Longhurst, J.W.S. & Popov, V. (Editors, In press 2011) Air Pollution XIX WIT Press. Southampton and Boston.
A full list of AQMRC publications is available on the website.
Academy of Science of South Africa Low Carbon Consensus Panel report published
Full reference details are as follows:
Academy of Science of South Africa (2011) Towards a Low Carbon City. Focus on Durban. Report of the ASSAf Consensus Study on Low Carbon Cities. ASSAf, Pretoria, South Africa. pp263 ISBN 97809869835-4-2
Friday, 26 August 2011
Towards a Low Carbon City: Focus on Durban
On Tuesday 23rd August, the Academy of Science of South Africa published its report for the City of Durban/eThekwini Municipality on developing a pathway towards a low carbon city.
Members of the AQMRC team (especially Tim, Jo and Dotun) provided significant assistance in helping ASSAF develop their recommendations.
UWE Consortium Wins EU Air Quality Framework Contract
The Air Quality Management Resource Centre is part of a consortium that has been awarded the Framework Contract for providing support to the European Commission for the review of the Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution and the related instruments on ambient air quality (Directives 2008/50/EC and 2004/107/EC) and the National Emissions Ceiling Directive (2001/81/EC). The work to be undertaken under the contract will include the assessment of current and future policies and the identification of management options at European, national, regional or local level including the assessment of their effectiveness, cost and benefits and means of implementation measures through various legal and non-legal instruments.
The consortium is led by the Dutch consultancy ECORYS, and other partners include NERI (the Danish National Environmental Research Institute), Risø DTU, (the Danish National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy), Milieu (a Belgian consultancy specialising in European law and policy), and MWH (a global consultancy specialising in sustainable governance and engineering).
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
EPUK-SW Division National Students and Young Professionals Competition 2011 - Presentations available
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Workshop held to discuss the low carbon futures for the Bristol region

A workshop discussing the outputs of a year-long Delphi consultation process on the Low Carbon Futures for the Bristol Region was held on Friday 22nd July at UWE. A number of key stakeholders from the Bristol region attended, from Local Authorities, Businesses, and other public, private and third sector organisations. Participants carried out a 'backcasting' exercise for two possible scenarios for a low carbon Bristol region in 2050, discussing the emission and policy trajectories necessary to bring about the scenarios.
Environmental Trade Show UK - UWE Exhibition & Conference Centre - 13th October 2011

The best place to network and learn about Low Carbon business in the UK
Sponsored by the Environmental Technology iNets, bookings are now being taken for Environmental Trade Show UK (ETS UK), a major international environmental trade show and conference taking place at the UWE Exhibition & Conference Centre on 13th October. The largest event of its kind in the South West, it will bring together the best in environmental and low carbon goods and services. With over 200 exhibitors and over 1,000 visitors expected, it is the perfect opportunity to showcase the best and brightest businesses and technologies. Click here to find out about opportunities for your business.
Save the Date – 13th October 2011
House of Lords reports on 'Behaviour Change'
Last autumn, Tim was called to give evidence at the House of Lords’ Science and Technology Committee inquiry into ‘Behaviour Change’.
The final report of the committee has now been published and can be found here:
(along with a short video of Baroness Neuberger talking about the issue)
Friday, 22 July 2011
Jo to co-deliver EPUK ‘Planning and Air Quality’ Training
The morning will start with presentations relating to planning policy, the 2010 update of the EPUK Planning and Air Quality Guidance, and issues relating to modelling and monitoring which might be pertinent to air quality assessments.
Following the presentations, there will be a workshop in which delegates will appraise an example of an air quality assessment, using a checklist based on the EPUK guidance. The workshop element will be undertaken in small groups, with plenty of opportunity for discussion and debate around issues which local authorities face on a daily basis. There will also be an opportunity for a Q&A session on the theme of air quality and planning.
The Workshop starts with coffee at 9:30am and will finish by 1pm, cost £25 members, £50 non-members. Attendees will be able to purchase lunch at the Create Café or in a nearby public house. Please contact Pete Fryer at for a draft program and to book a place.
Monday, 11 July 2011
Round Table with Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
Tim has been invited to attend around table event on Tuesday 12th July at the Houses of Parliament with Meg Hillier MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change.
Workshop at the Government Social Research Conference
Tim will be running a workshop at the Government Social Research/Government Economic Service annual conference at Warwick University on Thursday 14th July. The workshop, with Oliver Anderson from the Department of Energy and Climate Change, will be on Tim’s work with DECC on developing a ‘Multi-model approaches to (energy) behaviour’.
Monday, 13 June 2011
Another bioaerosols paper for AQMRC
In 2008/2009, Enda and Jim were part of a NERC funded project with the Centre for Research in Biomedicine at UWE, Bristol and Cranfield University. The 18 month project investigated bioaerosol and endotoxin emissions from commercial composting facilities in particular how much endotoxin is released from composting facilities, how far it will travel and whether the concentrations found in air from compost facilities can harm the health of people living close to these facilities. The groups 5th paper out of this short yet highly productive research has just been accepted for publication.
L. J. Pankhurst, L. J. Deacon, J. Liu, G. H. Drew, E. T. Hayes, S. Jackson, P. J. Longhurst, J. W. S. Longhurst, S. J. T. Pollard & S. F. Tyrrel (2009) Microbial and endotoxin emission from composting facilities: characterisation of release and dispersal patterns. In Brebbia, C.A. (Editor) Air Pollution XVII. WIT Press. Southampton and Boston.
Deacon L., Pankhurst, L., Liu, J., Drew, G. H., Hayes, E.T., Jackson, S., Longhurst, J., Longhurst, P., Pollard, S. & Tyrrel , S. (2009) Endotoxin emissions from commercial composting activities. Environmental Health 8:S9
Deacon, L.J., Pankhurst, L.J., Liu, J., Drew, G.H., Hayes, E.T., Jackson, S.K., Longhurst, J.W.S., Longhurst, P. J., Pollard, S.J.T, and Tyrrel, S.F. (2009) Particle size distribution of airborne Aspergillus fumigatus spores emitted from compost using membrane-filtration. Atmospheric Environment 43, 5698-5701
Liu, J. , Pankhurst, L.J. , Deacon, L.J. , Abate, W. , Hayes, E.T. , Drew, G.H. , Longhurst, P.J. , Pollard, S., Longhurst, J. , Tyrrel, S.F. , Jackson, S.K. (2011) Evaluation of inflammatory effects of airborne endotoxin emitted from composting sources. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30, 3, 602-606
Pankhurst, L. J., Deacon, L. J., Liu, J, Drew, G. H., Hayes, E. T., Jackson, S., Longhurst, P. J., Longhurst, J. W. S., Pollard, S. J. T and Tyrrel, S. F. (In Press) Spatial Variations in Airborne Microorganism and Endotoxin Concentrations at Green Waste Composting Facilities. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health.
AQMRC deliver a Framework for Sustainability for the Dube Aerotropolis, South Africa
Following a successful workshop in the beautiful city of Durban, which was attended by Dr Enda Hayes, Rose Bailey, Tom Chambers, Dr Chad Staddon and Dr Mark Everard, a comprehensive Framework for Sustainability for the Dube Aerotropolis in Durban, South Africa was delivered to the clients, Dube TradePort and Tongaat Hulett Developments. This exciting multi-disciplinary project brought together many Faculty of Environment and Technology colleagues who advised on the sustainable development of the land use and infrastructure in the vicinity of the King Shaka International Airport, Durban, while supporting the client’s vision of working towards carbon and water neutrality for the area. The Dube Aerotropolis covers a radius of approximately 15 km around the recently opened King Shaka International Airport north of the city of Durban. This project expands upon AQMRC experience in air and carbon management in Africa, including the Low Carbon Consensus Panel study for the Academy of Science of South Africa and the National Framework for Air Quality for the South African Government.
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
More efforts required to reduce ozone pollution in Europe
Ozone is not directly emitted to the atmosphere but formed in complex photochemical reactions from ozone precursor gases (nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, methane and non-methane volatile organic compounds). Its production depends on meteorological conditions such as solar intensity and temperature. Elevated levels of ground-level ozone reduce agricultural crop yields and corrode infrastructure and cultural heritage. It can also cause health problems and lead to premature deaths.
The new EEA report ‘Air pollution by ozone across Europe during summer 2010’ shows that the long-term objective to protect human health (maximum daily eight-hour mean concentration of 120 µg/m3) was exceeded in all EU Member States and in most of the other reporting European countries at least once during summer 2010. As in previous years, the most widespread concentrations occurred in the Mediterranean area. However, areas of western and central Europe experienced higher ozone concentrations than in 2009.
Preliminary results show that 17 EU Member States (Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Spain) are facing difficulties in meeting the target value for protecting human health. In all these countries, the maximum daily eight-hour mean ozone concentration of 120 µg/m3 was exceeded on more than 25 days during summer 2010.
Other key findings
For the first time in four years, in 2010 the information threshold (a one-hour average ozone concentration of 180 µg/m3) was exceeded in northern Europe. The average number of threshold exceedances increased slightly in north-western, central and eastern Europe.
The alert threshold (a one-hour average ozone concentration of 240 µg/m3) was exceeded 44 times in nine EU Member States with most exceedances in northern Italy and northern Portugal.
Summer 2010 was characterised by a long period with numerous exceedances during the warm sunny weather experienced between 24 June and 22 July. This episode accounted for approximately 85 % of the total number of exceedances of the information threshold, 64 % of exceedances of the alert threshold and 52 % of exceedances of the long-term objective.
Target value for the protection of human health
Directive 2008/50/EC on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe sets out the ‘target value for the protection of human health’. Specifically, as of 2010 the maximum daily eight-hour mean concentration of ozone should not exceed 120 µg/m3 on more than 25 days per calendar year, averaged over three years. It further specifies that the target value will first be calculated using validated data from 2010 and following years. Therefore it will not be possible to assess exceedance of the target value fully until data for 2010, 2011 and 2012 have been compiled and validated.
Ozone pollution – not only a local air quality issue
In Europe, ozone concentrations in a particular country are also influenced by emissions in other northern hemisphere countries and by poorly regulated sectors such as international shipping and aviation. Thus, ozone pollution is not only a local air quality issue but also a hemispheric and global problem.
Data sources on emissions of ozone precursor gases
The EEA publishes emissions data on the air pollutants that contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone, available in several data viewers: NEC Directive viewer (NOx, NMVOCs), LRTAP Convention viewer (CO) and the greenhouse gas data viewer (CH4). Updated information on the trends in man-made emissions of ozone precursors NOx and NMVOCs are also available in the recently published NEC Directive status report 2010.
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Tim talking at "Green-Talk" in Bristol
Tim has been invited to give a talk at the Bristol “Green Talks” at the Arnolfini on 14th June.
The talks, in the style of the TED lectures, are a series of 8 minute presentations around issues of the environment, climate change and sustainability.
More information can be found at:
Tim on UKPHA Integration Management Panel
Tim has been elected on to a management panel to oversee the incorporation of the UK Public Health Association into the Faculty of Public Health. The position represents an important recognition of the environmental factors that contribute to the health of the nation, and comes at a very important point in the histories of both the UKPHA and the Faculty.
Tim Speaking at Royal Society for Chemistry
On Tuesday 7th June, Tim will be presenting a paper on “Air Quality: Breaking Out of the Silo” at a workshop on “A trans-disciplinary approach to improved local air quality: what are the current problems for integration and coherence?” at the Royal Society for Chemistry.
Monday, 6 June 2011
Tim to present at RSC Air Quality Workshop
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
EPUK National Students and Young Professionals Competition 2011 - June 28th - Bristol
In 2005 the National Society for Clean Air South West Division (now Environmental Protection UK South West Division) held a day to showcase student research projects on air quality management by students at the University of the West of England (UWE). In 2006 and 2007 this special day was opened up to postgraduate students at educational institutions throughout the South West and the subject area widened to include all environmental issues within the Society’s remit. In 2009 the competition was opened up to students from anywhere in the UK and attracted a wide range of entries.
This year’s competition
Continuing the evolution of this competition, entries are now being invited from both postgraduate students and any young professionals throughout the UK (e.g. consultants, local authority officers etc.) working on any aspect of air quality, noise, contaminated land, climate change or other environmental issue relevant to Environmental Protection UK’s work. This event provides a unique platform for students and young environmental professionals to engage with and disseminate their research or an interesting project to a variety of environmental practitioners. Entrants should be students or recently qualified professionals with no more than 5 years professional experience on the date of the event.
Entrants need to send an abstract on their subject (200 words maximum) to Peter Fryer, Environmental Protection UK South West Division Secretary, c/o CREATE Centre, Smeaton Road, Bristol, BS1 6XN or email Shortlisted entrants will then be sent full details and invited to attend the National Student and Young Professional Presentation Day on Tuesday 28th June 2011 where they will be asked to make a short presentation in a friendly, informal environment. Judging by a panel of experts from academia, local authorities and industry takes place on the day.
Shortlisted entrants will receive a free one year subscription to Environmental Protection UK’s new online resource, Essential Environment Online and one year’s membership of the charity. In addition the winner will receive a certificate, £100 and the opportunity to present the paper at the autumn regional conference in front of an audience of professionals. The precis of each of the shortlisted papers will be published in EPUK’s Briefing.
Entries to be received no later than Friday 10th June 2011
Selected participants will be notified by Friday 17th June 2011.
The Students and Young Professionals Presentation Day will take place at UWE on Tuesday 28th June 2011 (Room 1R021 in R Block UWE -10.30am – 15.30pm). Lunch will be provided for all who attend.
For further information contact Peter Fryer direct at Please circulate this to all students and young professionals carrying out environmental research.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Festival of Ideas 31 May 2011
Bjørn Lomborg
Putting Global Warming in Perspective
At-Bristol, 31 May 2011, 18.30-20.30
Bjørn Lomborg believes that global warming is real, man-made and will have a serious impact on humans and the environment toward the end of this century. In a range of books (including The Skeptical Environmentalist and Cool It), articles and now a film, Lomborg argues that we need to look at the costs and benefits of the proposed measures. He demonstrates that drastic, here-and-now measures are the worst way to spend money as climate change is a 100-year problem that cannot be fixed in ten years. Instead we should focus on the smartest solutions to the problems that the world faces, whether we're dealing with climate change, communicable diseases, malnutrition, or agricultural subsidies. If we want to help the world to the greatest extent we can, we do need to fix climate, but should do so smartly and effectively, and we should also remember there are many other important things we can focus on right now, like micronutrient supplementation and fortification, community nutrition programmes, expanded vaccination coverage for children, elimination of financial barriers to education, improving agricultural technology that would do amazing things at very low cost. He presents his case and then debates it with local experts including Juliet Davenport (CEO and founder of renewable electricity supplier, Good Energy), Professor Jim Longhurst (University of the West of England) and Peter Madden, Director, Forum for the Future.
Bjørn Lomborg was named as one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine in 2004. Foreign Policy and Prospect magazines listed him as the world's 14th most influential intellectual in 2005. He is the author of the bestselling The Skeptical Environmentalist (CUP, 2001) which sold over 100,000 copies worldwide and regularly appears in the media. His most recent book is Smart Solutions to Climate Change: Comparing Costs and Benefits.
How to book:
Price: £7.20 / £5.60. Contact At-Bristol, on: 0845 4586 499, book online, or visit in person. Please note there is a 10% charge for online bookings.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
AQMRC present ECO Stars draft evaluation
AQMRC workshop at EPUK
Monday, 14 March 2011
Jim and Dotun participated in a University Of Lagos Seminar on Air Quality Management Framework
The Air Quality Management Resource Centre (AQMRC) was invited to participate in a specially convened seminar on ‘Prospects for Air Quality and Carbon Management in Nigeria’. This seminar was part of an existing strategic partnership between the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol and University of Lagos (UNILAG), Nigeria, in creating more research collaborations and funding opportunities towards environmental policy development. The seminar was therefore aimed at facilitating discussion towards a shift in policy, practice and governance of air quality and carbon management in Nigeria.
Jim and Dotun gave five invited presentations at this seminar which was held at the University of Lagos, UNILAG on Tuesday 22 February 2011. The seminar was attended by more than 60 participants during the morning and afternoon workshops. The participants comprised of academic and research staffs, including postgraduate students from the faculties of science, engineering and social sciences.
The presentations by Jim highlighted the lessons of air quality management framework in the UK, and the expertise of AQMRC in facilitating such framework at the local, national and international levels. Particular attention was drawn to the involvement of AQMRC in developing South African national air quality management framework. Dotun gave a presentation on “the case for national air quality management framework in Nigeria” which provided an overview of existing evidence from studies on the state of urban air pollution in major cities in Nigeria. The presentations initiated dialogue with the participants on the capacity and capability development for monitoring and modelling air pollution in Nigeria.
There is substantial enthusiasm from the participants at this seminar to work together in various capacities towards developing effective air quality management framework in Nigeria. It was agreed that the summary of the programmes of actions agreed during the seminar should be widely distributed in order to promote further interests and actions.
Monday, 7 March 2011
Tim invited to Indian Institute of Technology - Madras
Friday, 4 March 2011
Historical Climate Records Workshop
Friday, 18 February 2011
Tim Speaking at Bristol University
AQMRC win ECO-Stars Evaluation Contract
AQMRC have been awarded a contract to undertake the evaluation of South Yorkshire’s Eco-Stars (Efficient and Cleaner Operations) Fleet Recognition Scheme
The scheme was set up by the South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan partners supported by Travel South Yorkshire and NHS Barnsley. The scheme was formally launched on 20th January 2009 with the aim of improving air quality.
The ECO Stars Fleet Recognition Scheme is a free, voluntary scheme designed to provide recognition, guidance and advice to operators of goods vehicles, buses and coaches across South Yorkshire. ECO Stars rates individual vehicles and the fleet’s overall road transport operation using star rating criteria, to recognise levels of operational and environmental performance. Each member signing up to the scheme receives a tailor-made ‘Road Map’ specific for their organisation, detailing suggested actions to help improve their environmental performance.
By the end of 2010, members of the ECO Stars Scheme were operating about 5,000 vehicles in and around South Yorkshire.
Thursday, 17 February 2011
19th International Conference on Air Pollution 2011 - abstracts due
View the conference website, which has full details about the conference objectives, topics and submission requirements at:
Presenters will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper to the International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, edited by the Wessex Institute.
Abstract Submission
Submit an abstract via the conference website: or contact the Conference Secretariat below.
Conference Topics
• Air pollution modelling
• Air quality management
• Urban air management
• Emissions studies
• Monitoring and measuring
• Global and regional studies
• Aerosols and particles
• Climate change and air pollution
• Indoor air pollution
• Pollution prevention
• Economics of air pollution control
• Innovative technologies
• Emission reduction strategies
• Health effects
• Natural emissions
Conference Secretariat
Claire Shiell, Conference Coordinator, Air Pollution 2011
Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst
Southampton, SO40 7AA
Telephone: 44 (0) 238 029 3223 Fax: 44 (0) 238 029 2853
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Tim giving keynote presentation at workshop in Delhi
Tim is currently representing AQMRC at a UKIERI (UK-India Education and Research Initiative) workshop on Transport, Land Use Strategies and Technology Interventions for
Urban Air Quality Management hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi. Tim will be giving a keynote presentation on “Successes and Failures of Air Quality Management in Europe: What lessons can be learnt?” as well as leading a workshop on Air Quality Action Planning.
Whilst in India, he will also be attending meetings with the British Council, RCUK, the Central Pollution Control Board and Delhi Traffic Police.
Friday, 4 February 2011
Tim selected for Climate Change Workshop in Bangalore
Tim has been selected by the Arts and Humanities Research Council to attend a Workshop on South Asian Historical Records and Climate, at the Divecha Centre for Climate Change, Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore on 4th and 5th March.
The Workshop will be based around the recent release of records from the India Office by the British Library. Climatic conditions in India were systematically recorded in the form of official meteorological observations in India from the nineteenth century, though records exist for the earlier period in the form of ships’ logs or the daily weather records kept by missionaries. The India Office Records contain information on instruments and methods of observation; observatory operations including meteorological observations, tidal observations, magnetic operations, astronomical observations (general observations, transits, eclipses and star studies); rainfall; ozone; extreme weather events (including hurricanes, storms, floods and cyclones).
The aims of this workshop are to:
· Bring together academics from a range of disciplines , and curators of collections, from South Asia and the UK;
· Share knowledge of relevant sources in the British Library and in India, in both libraries and archives;
· Discuss the nature of the contextual material available and approaches for its interrogation;
· Recommend sources in India and the British Library for enquiry to support research collaborations;
· Develop interdisciplinary research collaborations based on the sources identified in India and the BL, including those listed in Science and the changing environment in India 1780-1920: a guide to sources in the India Office Records.
Monday, 31 January 2011
Jim and Dotun to present at the Seminar on Air Quality and Carbon Management in Nigeria
Date: Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Time: 10.30-16.00
Venue: Faculty of Science, Board Room, University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Tim is Heat@UWE HotHouse Low Carbon Champion
On Thursday 13th January, Tim was invited to the HEAT@UWE Hot House event to act as “Low-Carbon Futures Champion”.
Unable to restrain himself, he also got involved in the development of the research concepts and the project that his team came up with (Greening Building Cultures – developed with Cities Research Centre, the WHO Collaborating Centre on Healthy Cities and the Construction and Property Research Centre) came first in the electronic voting.
Thursday, 13 January 2011
New publication
M.J. Ross-Jones & J.W.S. Longhurst, Managing Air Quality at the Local Level: a case study. Int. J. Sus. Dev. Plann. Vol. 5, No. 3 (2010) 223–237.
Monday, 10 January 2011
AQMRC welcomes international delegates to LAQM training session
Dube Aerotropolis site visit
Blog Archive
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