A workshop discussing the outputs of a year-long Delphi consultation process on the Low Carbon Futures for the Bristol Region was held on Friday 22nd July at UWE. A number of key stakeholders from the Bristol region attended, from Local Authorities, Businesses, and other public, private and third sector organisations. Participants carried out a 'backcasting' exercise for two possible scenarios for a low carbon Bristol region in 2050, discussing the emission and policy trajectories necessary to bring about the scenarios.
This workshop was the final part of Rose's PhD research project, investigating the low carbon futures for the Bristol Region. More about the Rose's research can be found here: http://www.uwe.ac.uk/aqm/rose.html
The outputs from the workshop will be available shortly on the research page, at: http://www.uwe.ac.uk/aqm/rosesresearch.html