Monday 11 November 2013

New paper for Tim

Tim has just had a new paper published setting out a lot of the work that he undertook in his ESRC funded Fellowship based in the Department of Energy and Climate Change and subsequent follow-on funding.


The paper, which is Open Access and written with Dr Charlie Wilson from the Tyndall Centre at UEA, describes and critiques the current tendency towards ‘universalist’ conceptions of behaviour within UK government policy, before setting out a tool aimed to help practitioners in all fields in developing a much broader understanding of the behavioural challenges that they seek to address.


Tim Chatterton & Charlie Wilson , Transportation Planning and Technology (2013): The ‘Four Dimensions of Behaviour’ framework: a tool for characterising behaviours to help design better interventions, Transportation Planning and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/03081060.2013.850257

The paper was developed as an extension of the report that Tim wrote for DECC on ‘Thinking about Energy Behaviour: A multi-model approach’


and his EPA commentary with Charlie on ‘Multiple models to inform climate change policy: a pragmatic response to the `beyond the ABC' debate’