Yesterday marked 60 Years since the introduction of the Clean Air Act, a move which helped reduce the burden of visible air pollution on the health and wellbeing of the UKs citizens. Jim Longhurst the AQMRCs Executive Director noted that “The United Kingdom parliament passed the first Clean Air Act in 1956 in response to the public health catastrophe of the 1952 London Smog. The UK became leaders in clearing the air, but can we say that now with a worsening air pollution problem, a growing public health burden and, at best, an inadequate governmental response?” Furthermore, as a result of the recent referendum on membership of the European Union there is also concern that air pollution regulation will be diluted within the UK, putting the population at an increased risk of ill-health. The AQMRC will be following events closely over the months and years ahead and will continue to work towards cleaner air for all.